The Bar Charts Show The Number Of Hours Each Teacher Spent Teaching In Different Schools

Sample report

The chart shows the number of hours primary, lower secondary and upper secondary teachers taught in four countries. Overall, it can be seen that lower secondary and upper secondary teachers in the US taught considerably more hours than teachers of the same grades in the other three countries. Primary and lower secondary teachers in Iceland have the fewest working hours at around 600. Interestingly, upper secondary teachers in Iceland have a much bigger workload of roughly 900 hours. In Japan, the difference between the number of hours worked by teachers of different grades is negligible with all of them working between 600 and 700 hours. In Spain, while primary teachers work around 650 hours, lower secondary and upper secondary teachers work 750 and 900 hours respectively. In the US, primary teachers work only around 650 hours, whereas lower secondary and upper secondary teachers work 1000 and 1200 hours respectively. Obviously, primary teachers work nearly the same hours in all countries. In Spain, the workload of teachers increases gradually as they move from lower grades to higher grades whereas in the US, this rise is more drastic. 

Manjusha Nambiar

Hi, I'm Manjusha. This is my blog where I give IELTS preparation tips.