Category: Vocabulary

Anecdote and Antidote

Be sure to spell and pronounce anecdote (an-ek-dote) properly. Don’t confuse it with antidote ( anti-dote). An anecdote is a short narrative, often humorous. Public speakers often begin their talk with humorous anecdotes. Throughout...

Amount and Number

Amount and number confuse some people. Use amount when referring to quantities that can’t be counted. Examples are: a large amount of snow, a small amount of money. Use number when referring to things...

Amiable and Amicable

The words amiable and amicable are often confused. Amiable is usually used to describe persons and amicable is used to describe actions, gestures, etc. Examples: The next door neighbors are amiable persons. Amiable neighbors...

Amend and Emend

Although amend and emend overlap in meaning, there is a distinct difference to maintain. To amend is to change something in order to improve it. To emend is to change something in order to...

Alumnus, Alumna, Alumni

The words alumnus, alumna and alumni are often confused. A male graduate is an alumnUS, a female graduate is an alumnA. Alumni is the plural of alumnus and means male graduates or a mixture...

Altogether and All together

Altogether is one word, meaning completely, absolutely. All together, two words, means all at once, in the same place or at the same time. Compare:

Alternative and Choice

An alternative is a serious choice which must be made-there is no getting out of it. Choice implies more freedom, including no choice at all. For dessert you have a choice of ice cream...

Alter and Altar | IELTS vocabulary

Some students tend to confuse alter and altar. An altar is a platform or raised area for the performance of religious rites, as in a church; whereas to alter is to change. Example: The...

Allusion and Illusion | IELTS vocabulary

Don’t confuse allusion and illusion. An allusion is a reference or mention; an illusion is a false impression, something that seems to be something else, or something that seems to exist but doesn’t. Example:

Allude and Refer | English Vocabulary

Although allude and refer are synonyms, their connotation and proper use are quite different. Allude means to mention indirectly or briefly in passing, to hint at. Examples Refer means to mention directly or in...