Listening Module Question Types

Listening Module Section 3

The third recorded section of the Listening Module has an educational context. You will have to listen to a conversation among up to 4 people. Common tasks are diagram labeling, matching and summary completion.

Examples of the type of conversations you might here in this section are given below.

A conversation between a student and a professor

A group of students discussing an academic topic

A job interview

Section 4

Section 4 is also concerned with educational contexts. You will hear a monologue. Questions types are multiple choice, classification and matching. Note that you will not get a break during this section, so you will have to read all the questions during the time given at the beginning. There is a break in the middle of the first three sections of the Listening Module.

Examples of some monologues you might hear in Section 4 are:

A university lecture about evolution

A monologue on the harmful effects of global warming

Listening Module Question Types

There are mainly five types of questions in the Listening Module

  • Completion tasks
  • Short answer questions
  • Multiple choice questions
  • Labeling a diagram, plan or map
  • Classification
  • Matching

Completion tasks

You may be asked to complete a table, flow chart, form or note. Summary and sentence completion tasks are also asked.

Form completion

Form completion tasks are usually found in the first section of the Listening Module. You will have to fill in gaps with the missing information.

Listen for specific information such as names, dates, prices, places, times, measurements etc.

An example of a form completion task is given below.


In the case of questions involving things like money or measurements, you should write the unit of measurement (e.g. centimetres, cm, $, %). It is not necessary to write the full form. Both 12 metres and 12 m will be considered as correct. Note that abbreviated forms count as one word.

Manjusha Nambiar

Hi, I'm Manjusha. This is my blog where I give IELTS preparation tips.

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