Is Freedom Of Speech Necessary In A Free Society?

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It is debatable whether free speech is an absolute must or not. In my opinion, it should definitely be protected because it is crucial for the progress and wellbeing of the society; however, there are certain situations where it needs to be reined.

Like every other form of freedom, freedom of speech is not absolute. No one should have the right to say whatever they want regardless of the consequences. Words are like weapons. They can hurt if they are not wielded carefully. For example, if someone ridicules another for being born with a certain disability it can have a very damaging effect on the victim. Thus, in my opinion, people with disability should be protected from a personal attack wrapped in the name of free speech. Furthermore, any forms of bullying should not be tolerated. Whether it is verbal or physical, no one should suffer when another person exercises their freedom of speech. For instance, nowadays it is popular among web-users to ‘troll’ someone online. This act of ridiculing others on the web is popularly called trolling and it is very toxic. Trolling has even led to suicides. Therefore, freedom of speech should have its limits and law should be drafted to protect people from its misuse.

On the other hand, freedom of speech and expression is crucial for the healthy functioning of the society. The freedom to express opinions is crucial for a civilized society to correct its course for a better tomorrow. Regardless of how controversial an issue is, people should have the freedom to express themselves and be heard of. This is one way for the government to assess public sentiment and take actions for a brighter future. Hence, free speech is not only beneficial but also mandatory for a society to progress. Without it, authorities will have full control over the people and progress will not be made.

In conclusion, free speech should have its limitations and no one should be allowed to hurt another person by mouthing whatever they feel like. At the same time, it should be protected and encouraged because in a free society everyone has the right to be heard.

Manjusha Nambiar

Hi, I'm Manjusha. This is my blog where I give IELTS preparation tips.

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