IELTS vocabulary exercise 3

Complete the following sentences using the appropriate form of the word given in the brackets.

1. We are ……………. that we will win the championship. (hope)

2. The wrestler felt ……………… when he saw how big his opponent was. (hope)

3. The sewer emitted a …………….. smell. (horror)

4. Try not to …………… me with such gruesome stories. (horrible)

5. The Indians and the Japanese are famous for their ……………… (hospitable)

6. The town was surrounded by …………….. troops. (hostility)

7. How much are your ……………. expenses? (house)

8. The Nazi war criminals were condemned for crimes against ……………….. (human)

9. With …………….. he thanked everyone for their help. (humiliate)

10. The program was so ……………. that we laughed all through it. (humour)

11. ……………. is a major problem in the third world. (hungry)

12. Public swimming pools are not very …………….. (hygiene)


1. We are hopeful that we will win the championship.

2. The wrestler felt hopeless when he saw how big his opponent was.

3. The sewer emitted a horrible smell.

4. Try not to horrify me with such gruesome stories.

5. The Indians and the Japanese are famous for their hospitality.

6. The town was surrounded by hostile troops.

7. How much are your household expenses?

8. The Nazi war criminals were condemned for crimes against humanity.

9. With humility he thanked everyone for their help.

10. The program was so humorous that we laughed all through it.

11. Hunger is a major problem in the third world.

12. Public swimming pools are not very hygienic.

Manjusha Nambiar

Hi, I'm Manjusha. This is my blog where I give IELTS preparation tips.

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