Category: Learn English

When to leave words out

When we connect two coordinate clauses, words for repeated ideas can be left out in the second clause. Study the examples given below. Madhu is pretty. Madhu is intelligent. Madhu is pretty and intelligent....

Parallelism problems in sentences

Read the following sentence. Freedom of speech is one of the hottest and largely debated topic in recent times. Can you identify the error in it? The problem with this sentence is that it...

Somebody, anybody, someone, anyone etc

There is no significant difference between somebody and someone or anybody and anyone. The forms with –body are very informal. The difference between somebody and anybody or something and anything are the same as...

Using adjective clauses correctly

An adjective clause serves the same purpose as an adjective. It gives additional information about a noun. Note that adjective clauses go immediately after the nouns that they modify. Study the examples given below....