Band 9 essay sample | Some managerial positions should be reserved for female employees

Essay topic

Most high-level positions in companies are filled by men even though the workforce in many developed countries is more than 50 percent female. Companies should be required to allocate a certain percent of these positions to women.

Band 9 essay sample

In many companies most of the senior level positions are occupied by men. Since many of these companies have an equal number of male and female employees, some people feel that this is unfair. In their opinion, companies should reserve a certain number of managerial positions for women. I both agree and disagree with this view.

There are many reasons why I believe that companies should reserve jobs for women. First of all, women should have the same opportunities as men. Ensuring gender equality in the workplace is the easiest way to avoid gender based discrimination. Also when an equal number of men and women work at senior levels, it will make the work environment pleasant for both genders. What’s more, sometimes just knowing that a certain percent of higher positions are reserved for women can actually be an inspiration for female employees to work hard. Women also have certain qualities that make them good managers. For example, they are better at communicating and solving problems.

On the flip side, reserving positions can have its fair share of disadvantages too. Companies are driven by profits and they need employees who have the skills, expertise and knowledge to take their business forward. If a certain number of senior positions are reserved for women, then companies will be required to appoint only women in those positions. This can actually pose a problem if there aren’t suitable female candidates. If companies are forced to appoint less qualified candidates, it will have a negative impact on their bottom line.

To conclude, companies should strive to achieve gender equality at the workplace. However, I feel that reserving senior management positions for women is not very practical.

Manjusha Nambiar

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