Answering the True / False / Not given questions in the IELTS reading test

While answering the true / false / not given questions in the IELTS reading test, you are not supposed to use your understanding of the subject. Instead, read the passage carefully and give your answers based on what is given in the passage.

Don’t spend a lot of time looking for answers that are not given. If you can’t find an answer easily, then chances are it is not given in the passage.

A statement should be marked as ‘true’ when the passage given for reading clearly supports the information stated in that statement.

A statement should be marked as ‘false’ when the passage clearly states that the information in the statement is false.

A statement should be marked as ‘not given’ when the passage has no related information.

Manjusha Nambiar

Hi, I'm Manjusha. This is my blog where I give IELTS preparation tips.

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