The Two Maps Below Show Road Access To A City Hospital In 2007 And 2010

Sample report 1

The two maps show the road network around a city hospital in the years 2007 and 2010. Overall, it can be seen that road access to the hospital improved significantly over the three years. In 2007, the hospital road connected the city road to the ring road which went around the hospital. There were bus stops on either side of the hospital road. Also, there was a car park meant for both the public and the staff on the right side of the hospital road. The ring road opened to this car park.

By 2010, they had built two roundabouts on both ends of the hospital roads. One of the roundabouts was part of the city road. The bus stops had been replaced by a bus station built on the left side of the hospital road. The car park on the east side of the hospital road was now reserved for the staff. Another car park had been built on the east side of the ring road to serve the public.

Sample report 2

The two maps show the road network around a city hospital. In 2007, the hospital had a ring road around it. The hospital road connected the ring road to the city road and facilitated easy access to the hospital. There were staff and public car parking area on east side of the hospital road.

Massive changes took place over the next three years and by 2010, a public car parking area which opens to the ring road had been built on the east side of the hospital. A roundabout was built on both ends of the hospital road. A bus station was built on the west side of the hospital road and it can be accessed via the roundabouts. The car parking area on the east side of the hospital road was now reserved for the staff. While the bus station is connected to the city road via the roundabout, the parking areas can only be accessed through the ring roads.

Manjusha Nambiar

Hi, I'm Manjusha. This is my blog where I give IELTS preparation tips.

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