If clauses worksheet

Complete the following sentences using an appropriate conditional verb form.

1. If I ……………….. her name, I would tell you.

a) know
b) knew

2. If you eat too much, you ………………… fat.

a) get
b) got

3. If I ………………… enough time tomorrow, I will come and see you.

a) have
b) had

4. If I win this race, I ………………….. an inspiration for millions of children in my country.

a) will be
b) would be
c) would have been

5. ……………… I realized what he intended, I wouldn’t have sought his help in the first place.

a) Had
b) Have
c) Will

6. I ……………….. worry if I were you.

a) wouldn’t
b) won’t

7. If only I …………………….. better looking!

a) am
b) were

8. I ……………………. in bad trouble, if Jane hadn’t helped me.

a) would be
b) would have been
c) will be

9. If I were you, I …………………. that car serviced.

a) would get
b) will get
c) would have gotten

10. If only I ……………….. more people.

a) know
b) knew


1. If I knew her name, I would tell you.

2. If you eat too much, you get fat.

3. If I have enough time tomorrow, I will come and see you.

4. If I win this race, I will be an inspiration for millions of children in my country.

5. Had I realized what he intended, I wouldn’t have sought his help in the first place.

6. I wouldn’t worry if I were you.

7. If only I were better looking!

8. I would have been in bad trouble, if Jane hadn’t helped me.

9. If I were you, I would get that car serviced.

10. If only I knew more people.

Manjusha Nambiar

Hi, I'm Manjusha. This is my blog where I give IELTS preparation tips.

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