Daily Consumption Of Three Spreads Per Person From 1981 To 2007

Sample report

The given line graph compares the consumption of three types of spreads – margarine, low fat & reduced spreads and butter over the period between 1981 and 2007. Butter was the most widely consumed spread in 1981 when its consumption was about 140 grams per person per day. The consumption of butter increased over the next five years and reached around 160 grams/person/day by 1986. However, afterwards, there was a dramatic decline in its popularity.

The consumption of margarine was about 90 grams/person/day in 1981. Its popularity declined slightly over the next five years before climbing up again. Margarine gained the same popularity as butter in 1991 and remained the most popular spread until 1996 following which, the demand for this spread started falling.

Low fat & reduced spreads started becoming available in 1996. There was a steep increase in their consumption over the next five years and in 2001, low fat spreads became as popular as margarine. Afterwards, there was a small decline in their consumption; however, these spreads remained the most popular over the next 6 years.

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Manjusha Nambiar

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