Category: Learn English

What are noun clauses?

A noun clause is a kind of subordinate clause. It serves the same purpose as a noun. That means it can be the subject or object of the verb in the main clause. Study...

Finite and non-finite verbs

There are mainly two types of verbs – finite verbs and non-finite verbs. Non-finite verbs are not verbs in the strict sense of the term. They have certain qualities of verbs but they can’t...

Tenses in if-clauses

There are mainly three types of conditional sentences in English. A conditional clause expresses a condition – something that must happen first so that something else can happen. Conditional clauses are introduced by ‘if’....

Much and many

These are quantifiers. Use much before a singular uncountable noun. Use many before a plural noun. I haven’t got much time. (NOT I haven’t got many time.) How much of the house needs repairing?...

Using indirect questions correctly

Indirect questions are not questions in the strict sense of the term. They don’t not have a question mark at the end. In direct questions, the auxiliary verb goes before the subject. Does he know...

Tenses in subordinate clauses

A subordinate clause is a dependent clause that needs to be attached to an independent or main clause. Generally speaking, when the verb in the main clause is in the past tense, the verb...

Present and past participles

There are mainly two types of participles – present participles and past participles Present participles are forms like singing, running, working, writing and playing. Past participles are forms like sung, worked, written and played....

Complex sentences

Aiming for a high band score in Writing? Learn to write complex sentences. What is a complex sentence? A complex sentence consists of one main clause and one or more subordinate clauses. A main...